Test now
to assess
your current
Risk of Burnout.

If you are prone to 'people-pleasing', perfectionism, or you are a high-achiever, you are particularly vulnerable to burnout.

This test will efficiently determine your level of risk, so that you can make an informed decision as to whether you need to make some changes in your life in order to protect (or restore) your vision, vigour and vitality.

Quick and simple, self-reporting tool, grounded upon over 25 years of practice-based research.

Developed by Dr. Matt Shorrock, a leading burnout expert (Chartered Psychologist & reg. Psychotherapist). This measure has been used to assess burnout risk of 10,00o+ people.

"Taking the test really opened my eyes as to how unbalanced me and my life had become... It brought it home to me how removed I had become from my old, vibrant self".

We all need a reality check once in a while, especially in a fast moving world, where 'hustle culture' has become the new norm.

Taking the test will either reassure you that your stress is 'normal' or healthy, or confirm for you that something needs to change.

The first step to healthy change is always 'awareness'... If we are not working on our health, we will need to work on our recovery!

Take the BURNOUT Screening Test

Determine whether you are at risk, so that you can make an infomed decision as to whether to take action!

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